Research Applications and Services represents the collection of research-focused applications that RIS operates or supports for external customers. Each application might be considered a service unto itself, but we attempt to provide a common framework of abstraction such that some measure of consistency is associated with all applications.


RIS customers within WashU can receive technical support in the lifecycle of a given application, which might include the design, architecture, construction, deployment, and management of an application to serve the research mission of Washington University.

Scientific Compute Applications

Supported Applications

  • Globus – provides a secure, unified interface to your research data. Use Globus to ‘fire and forget’ high-performance data transfers between systems within and across organizations.
  • LabArchivescloud-based electronic lab notebooks.
  • REDCap – browser-based, metadata-driven EDC software and workflow methodology for designing clinical and translational research databases.
  • is a collaborative platform for developing, sharing, and publishing reproducible methods. It is meant to save researchers time and to increase recognition for method development work.
  • Nextflow widely used for its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use in managing and running complex analyses involving large datasets supporting Docker containers.
  • Qualtrics XM for Sensitive Data is a new tool to aid WashU’s research community, and survey creators who must request private or sensitive client data as part of their job.

Externally Supported Alternatives

ACCESS – is a program established and funded by the National Science Foundation to help researchers and educators, with or without supporting grants, to utilize the nation’s advanced computing systems and services – at no cost.